CRES COLLECTION 2018 – One hundred years after the university reform of Cordoba. Towards a new manifesto for Latin American higher education.
The approach taken in the chapters of the book is based on the in-depth knowledge of each of the authors of the specific topics addressed in them, as well as on their intense personal experience of the debates that took place in the region (Regional Conferences of 1996 and 2008) and in the world (World Conferences of 1998 and 2009). Download the book A cien años de la Reforma Universitaria de Córdoba. Hacia un nuevo manifiesto de la educación superior latinoamericana, coordinated by Rafael Guarga.

17 julio, 2019
The approach taken in the chapters of the book is based on the in-depth knowledge of each of the authors of the specific topics addressed in them, as well as on their intense personal experience of the debates that took place in the region (Regional Conferences of 1996 and 2008) and in the world (World Conferences of 1998 and 2009).
Download the book A cien años de la Reforma Universitaria de Córdoba. Hacia un nuevo manifiesto de la educación superior latinoamericana, coordinated by Rafael Guarga.