International Forum 70 Years of Free of Charge University in Argentina

The National Day of Free University Education is commemorated on November 22 in Argentina, “a condition that is integrated to the autonomy, teaching, research and extension functions and its implication for human, democratic, productive and technological development of the Nation ”, as indicated by the website dedicated to this commemoration.
It was in 1949 that free of charge university and the government’s commitment for its funding were established. Within the framework of this celebration, the Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional-CIN (National Interuniversity Council) of Argentina organizes the International Forum “After seventy years of free university higher education. Tribute and teachings”, on September 9 and 10, 2019 at the headquarters of the Universidad Tecnológica Regional CABA (Regional Technological University).
Within the framework of this event, the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) will present the current state of free international education and future trends and challenges.