The deadline to participate in the Education for Justice initiative is extended

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) extended the deadline to participate in the scholarship program for higher education institutions (HEI) Education for Justice (E4J). Teachers, academics and speakers linked to HEI will have until September 22, 2019 to submit their proposal.
E4J aims to help teachers belonging to tertiary education institutions to transmit knowledge in relation to crime prevention, criminal justice, anti-corruption, organized crime, human trafficking and illegal smuggling of migrants, fire weapons, cybercrime, counterterrorism, integrity, and ethics, among other topics.
At the moment, 600 academics from 550 universities and 114 countries have participated in the development of university modules that serve as a teaching tool for crime prevention programs on a global scale, and to promote a culture of citizenship based on respect for the state of law.
This academic support program is part of the “UNESCO and UNODC Initiative for Global Citizenship Education for the Rule of Law: Doing the right thing”, which contributes to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, especially the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 which seeks to promote fair, peaceful and inclusive societies, and build effective and responsible institutions.
For more information on eligibility criteria read Education for Justice (E4J) Initiative Grant Programme for Higher Education Institutions.