Conversation between the rector of UNTREF and the director of IESALC

On September 11, 2019, in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, the academic meeting Perspectives for Higher Education in Latin America. Conversations with the new director of IESALC: Francesc Pedró, will be held. This conversation is organized by the UNESCO Chair Education and Future in Latin America. Reforms, changes and innovations, at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) and in which the rector of that house of studies, Aníbal Jozami will participate.
The Auditorium of the Rectorate, at Juncal 1319 in the Argentine capital, will be the space where rectors, university officials, researchers, specialists, professionals, teachers and postgraduate students will meet to participate in the exchange of visions on higher education in the region.
Francesc Pedró, appointed director of the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) on May 21st, 2019, will contribute ideas on the main challenges that higher education (HE) in Latin America and the Caribbean faces, and on the projects that from the IESALC promote the strengthening of the regional HE. He will also advance details on the Institute’s work program for the next biennium, with the following four axles: academic mobility, quality, equity and inclusion, and innovation.
Wednesday, September 11 – 6:00 p.m.
Headquarters Rectorate Auditorium
Juncal 1319 – CABA
Organized by: UNESCO Chair “Education and Future in Latin America. Reforms, changes and innovations” and Interdisciplinary Nucleus of Training and Studies for the Development of Education (NIFEDE)
Sponsorship: Red Argentina de Posgrados en Educación Superior
(Argentine Network of Postgraduate Studiess in Higher Education)