XI International Seminar on Industry 4.0 and Sustainability will be held in Manaus

The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO-IESALC) will be present at the XI International Seminar “Industry 4.0 and Sustainability”, organized by the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB), from october 28 to 31, 2019, in the city of Manaus, Brazil.
The Universidade Federal do Amazonas (Federal University of Amazonas) will receive in its spaces more than 30 speakers from more than 20 countries to discuss sustainability analyzed through issues such as health, biodiversity, internationalization, food, health, agriculture, new technologies, energy, migratory movements, social responsibility, and climate.
The director of UNESCO-IESALC, Francesc Pedró will participate in plenary session 5 which will give voice to international organizations in order to exchange ideas on those issues that endanger humanity and the planet, together with the Organization of American States (OAS) ) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO / WHO).
The GCUB, created in 2008 and chaired by Professor Rossana de Souza e Silva, is a Brazilian civil association that aims to promote academic mobility and inter-institutional integration through international cooperation between higher education institutions.
Download the preliminary program.
Photo Universidade Federal do Amazonas