UNESCO warns about the lack of policies in favor of education for young people and adults

After the international commemoration for Literacy, UNESCO launches two documents that present the difficult reality of literacy and education for young people and adults in the region and in the world, a situation that affects millions of people and puts the international commitments at risk.
The document “Entre el reloj y la brújula” (Between the clock and the compass), published by the Oficina Regional de Educación para América Latina y el Caribe Regional OREALC/UNESCO Santiago (Office of Education for Latin America and the Caribbean), is now available online with an analysis of indicators related to education for youth and adults. The text is based on the monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals (2030 Agenda) and the reports from different countries of the Third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education prepared by the Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL, based in Hamburg).
A current global concern is the chronic withdrawal of funds for education programs for young people and adults. For this reason, UNESCO presented on September 10 in Paris, through its Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) a new analysis of literacy costs. The information shows that for young people and adults in countries with the most significant literacy lags in the world to achieve functional literacy and arithmetic skills by 2030, USD 10 billion are needed for the 20 countries with the lowest literacy rates (low 50%) and USD 4 billion for the E-9 countries.
To read the full article, access the UNESCO Office in Santiago