Committed to promoting the Framework for Action for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), which seeks to ensure equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO-IESALC) participates in the 12th International Congress of Higher Education University 2020 to be held in Havana, Cuba, from February 11 to 14. Convened by the Ministry of Higher Education and Cuban universities under the slogan “The University and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, the Conference has as its main venue the Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana (Havana Convention Center).
On February Monday 10 and Tuesday 11, during the First Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Higher Education “Innovation for Sustainable Development-Objective 2030”, the IESALC will present the reports Mobility in higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean: challenges and opportunities of a renewed Convention for the recognition of studies, degrees and diplomas (2019), and Contribution of higher education to the sustainable development goals: analytical framework (2020), its most recent working document. This meeting, convened by the Government of Andorra, the Cuban Ministerio de Educación Superior MES (Ministry of Higher Education) and the Ibero-American General Secretariat (Segib)is part of the official calendar of the Ibero-American Conference and is part of the preparatory process for the XXVII Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government, under the Pro Tempore Secretariat of Andorra.
On Tuesday, February 11, at 15:30, the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture, OEI, and UNESCO-IESALC will sign a cooperation agreement to promote higher education in Ibero-America, with the presence of Mariano Jabonero, Secretary General of the OEI, and Francesc Pedró, director of the IESALC. The event will take place at UNESCO headquarters in Havana.
On Wednesday 12 February at 14:00h, in the context of the X International Workshop on the Internationalization of Higher Education, the Institute will present a paper in which it analyzes, in a comparative way, the mobility of higher education in the region, as well as its opportunities, in the light of the ratification of the UNESCO Regional Convention for the Recognition of Higher Education Studies, Degrees and Diplomas in Latin America and the Caribbean 2019.
That same day, at 18:00h, the Institute will take part in the presentation of the Regional Conference of Higher Education CRES 2018 Collection, co-published in partnership with the Catholic University of Colombia, and which with its 10 volumes covers the thematic axles defined in the framework of the CRES 2018.