Presentation of the CRES 2018 Collection in Havana

The University of Havana (Universidad de la Habana) hosted this Thursday, February 13 at 18:00 hours, the presentation of the CRES 2018 Collection, in its Aula Magna. This bibliographic work is a co-edition between the Catholic University of Colombia (Universidad Católica de Colombia) and the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC).
The event was attended by the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Miriam Alpízar Santana, the Rector of the University of Havana, Miriam Nicado García, the Academic Deputy Chancellor, Maritza González Bravo, the coordinator of the Regional Observatory on Social Responsibility for Latin America and the Caribbean (ORSALC), Humberto Grimaldo, and the director of the IESALC, Francesc Pedró.
The ORSALC also awarded the University of Havana with the “Ojo de Plata” (Silver Eye) prize for good practices and experiences in social responsibility in the Region. In the words of its Coordinator, “This recognition is framed within the main themes of the ORSALC, namely: heritage, education, governance, equity and environment, and in metrics and indicators related to good governance, work environment, management reports, volunteering, environment and sustainable campus, service learning, community-oriented research, youth culture, productive sector and social ethics, ethics committees, local and regional development, and re-humanization”.
The award was received by the rector Miriam Nicado García, the first woman to occupy the rectory in this prestigious house of study, who thanked the conferred recognition and said “that the University of Havana will continue to revolutionize”, then adding Cuban thinker José Martí’s famous phrase, “with all and for the good of all”.