Health and Nutrition during Home Learning

Health and nutrition issues during home-learning constitute an important matter to be seriously considered in the midst of the crisis created by COVID 19. Evidence shows that a range of health and protection risks arise in situations such as this one. Families and learners can be encouraged to take evidence-informed decisions to promote good-health and well-being, and to motivate a beneficial transition back to school when they reopen. This plight can also be used as a window to proffer critical health education to build up the health and well-being of families and learners. Some key points that should be considered are the following:
- Spread of COVID 19.
- Health information pandemic.
- Disrupted access to food and nutrition.
- Physical inactivity.
- Stress, anxiety and mental health issues.
- Time spent on-line.
- New and disrupted roles and responsibilities for children and young people.
Other health and protection issues.It is important to offer families clear and simple health information and related learning materials and activities. They should also be helped to manage their expectations and to maintain normal routines which should include healthy life-styles. Where possible, external support should be supplied. Sexual and reproductive health information should be provided, especially to adolescents and young people. Some important tips and messages that can help:
- Know your local epidemic situation and understand emerging related health issues.
- Recognize the link between health and learning and use home learning as an opportunity to promote health.
- Coordinate across sectors and convene partnerships to support to families and learners.
- Gather reliable and useful resources together (e.g. through a “clearinghouse”).
Read the full text on UNESCO COVID-19 Education Issue Note 1.1 health and nutrition.