The ESS Journal calls for its Special Number 30 Anniversary

- The call for contributions for the Anniversary Dossier (Vol.32, N°3 /December 2020) of the Journal Educación Superior y Sociedad ESS (Higher Education and Society), is open until August 31st, 2020.
The ESS Journal celebrates its XXX Anniversary with the theme: 30 years of research about higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean: past, present and future. Researchers, scholars and specialists are called to present works that analyze the background of the sector in terms of public policies and educational innovations, oriented to minimize inequalities; promote social justice and the right to education; highlight educational contemporary issues in the face of the vertiginous changes of the current times and that emphasize on future perspectives. We expect to receive contributions that address these issues to the region as a whole, to the subregions and/or to the countries that comprise it.
Dr. Norberto Fernández Lamarra will be the General Editor for the Anniversary Dossier of the ESS Journal.
Contributions must consider the guidelines for authors, available on the Higher Education and Society Journal website.