IESALC calls on students and teachers to share their experiences coping with the disruption of classes as a result of the COVID-19

Some 190 countries around the world have had to close their universities to stop the spread of the coronavirus. This has led to 1.5 billion students staying home. In the region, 23.4 million students and 1.4 million teachers have been affected by the temporary closure of higher education institutions due to the COVID-19 .
As part of the initiative to promote educational continuity in this context, the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean IESALC invites students and university professors to tell their experiences based on individual testimonies, either in short, one-minute videos or in texts up to 500 words long, shared through social networks using the hashtag #LaEducaciónContinúa #LearningNeverStops and with mention of the Twitter accounts @unesco_iesalc / Facebook and Instagram @unesco.iesalc.
This call seeks to take stock of the diverse ways in which students and teachers are facing learning and university teaching from home because of the pandemic and to provide good examples and practices to follow from positive, inspiring and innovative experiences.
Download tips for filming and sharing your own video and/or text here: Share your experience with UNESCO IESALC – #LearningNeverStops
In order to use your video on our website, it is required to fill out the Authorization and Use Form and send it to with the subject line #LearningNeverStops together with the video or text to be published.
More information on the higher education response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Read the Tips on how to share your testimony with UNESCO
Access the web page with the testimonials in Spanish and Portuguese here