Universities actions in the face of Covid-19

The universities of the region were forced to suspend their activities and the vast majority turned their eyes towards distance learning under the virtual modality to address the educational disruption in the face of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus. A panning of the websites of some universities in the region allows the visualization of some actions put into practice in the face of the pandemic, as well as their evolution over time.
In this survey it was found that some institutions already counted on digital platforms and distance working systems that facilitated the transition from face-to-face classes to virtual ones, for both teachers and students, with plans and modalities by faculty or departments. While for others, the interruption in training meant facing new challenges in the short term to give a timely response to the emergency.
This first investigation is part of the research process on the response of higher education to COVID-19 carried out by IESALC and will have regular updates resulting from monitoring and the information received in this regard.
- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
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- Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
- Universidad de Palermo
- Universidad de Campinas
-April 8th. Unicamp e sociedade se unem contra a Covid-19
- Universidad de Chile
-April 9th. Académico de la Escuela de Salud Pública lidera la red internacional «The COVID-19 HEROES Study»
- Universidad Andrés Bello (privada)
- Universidad Pontificia Católica de Chile (privada)
– April 3rd. Discurso inauguración año académico
- Universidad de Cartagena
– April 2nd. Aprobación de estrategias de apoyo a estudiantes de pregrado en vulnerabilidad socio económica
- Universidad de los Andes
-March 27th. Así serán las calificaciones para el primer semestre de 2020
Costa Rica:
- Universidad de Costa Rica
-April 15th. Las inscripciones para la admisión a univesidades públicas se extiende al 24 de abril.
- University of the West Indies (UWI)
- Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey
-April 3rd. Comunicado sobre el proceso de solicitud al Fondo de Contingencia para Estudiantes
- Universidad de Panamá
- Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá
– March 30th. Palabras de Bienvenida del Rector en el Inicio del Año Académico 2020
-Plan de contingencia InnovaLab.
-March 30th. Coronavirus: Sunedu supervisará clases virtuales de universidades durante cuarentena.
- Universidad Nacional de San Marcos
-March 31st. Comunicado. San Marcos continúa en pie delucha contra el coronavirus
-April 13th. CapacitacionesvirtualesparadocentesdePregrado
- Universidad Ricardo Palma (privada)
- Universidad de la República
– Abril 3rd.Resuelve suspender actividades hasta el 03 de mayo, según Comunicado Nro. 12 de la Rectoría
- Universidad ORT (privada)
- Universidad Central de Venezuela
– https://campusvirtual.ucv.ve/moodle/
- Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (privada)
-April 27th. https://elucabista.com/2020/04/07/con-clases-a-distancia-la-ucab-reiniciara-actividades-academicas-el-27-de-abril/
- Universidad de Carabobo
-April 2nd. Secretaría UC cumple jornadas especiales durante la cuarentena social
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