Virtual roundtable discussion: the future of higher education and the impact of the pandemic

On May 6th, 2020 at 2 pm (Argentine hour), the Confederación de trabajadores y trabajadoras de las Universidades de las Américas (Confederation of Universities Workers in the Americas) (CONTUA), along with the Public Services International-PSI and the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) will host the Virtual Roundtable Discussion: the future of higher education and the impact of the pandemic.
Panelists include Francesc Pedró, the director of IESALC; Rosa Pavanelli, the General Secretary of PSI; Jorge Anró, founding President of CONTUA and General Secretary of the Asociación del Personal de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (APUBA) (Staff Association of the University of Buenos Aires) and Walter Merkis, Vice-President of CONTUA and General Secretary of the Argentine Federation of National Universities Workers (FATUN).
Join stream on CONTUA Facebook.
Picture courtesy of Pixabay.