IESALC launches survey on learning strategies during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean-IESALC has just launched the Encuesta dirigida a las instituciones de educación superior sobre la continuidad formativa durante la crisis del COVID-19 (Survey aimed at higher education institutions on learning continuity during the COVID-19 crisis), in order to collect data on the strategies and mechanisms put into practice to guarantee the continuity of teaching and learning activities during the interruption of classroom classes.
The survey will gather details on the innovative initiatives that are being carried out in the region for their dissemination. In general terms, it takes into account the technological solutions implemented by HEI; the teachers and students benefited; the pedagogical, technological and professional solutions available; government support, and the most common problems present during the contingency, among other aspects.
This survey is part of the exploratory work that will enrich the Informe COVID-19 y educación superior. De los efectos inmediatos al día después. Análisis de impactos, respuestas políticas y recomendaciones (IESALC, 2020) (COVID-19 and Higher Education Report. From immediate effects to the day after. Impact analysis, policy responses and recommendations), a document in process that is being developed by the Institute. Its contributions will serve to strengthen networking that seeks to counteract the negative effects of this interruption of the learning process, through the socialization of the good practices of higher education that are being carried out in the region. The contributions collected will be accredited in the aforementioned report, as well as on the UNESCO-IESALC website.