The Journal Educación Superior y Sociedad (ESS) anounces the closure of the call for contributions for its anniversary issue

The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO-IESALC) reminds the international academic community that August 31, 2020 is the deadline for receiving articles for the special anniversary issue (Vol. 32, N°3 /December 2020) of Educación Superior y Sociedad ESS (Higher Education and Society).
With the title: “30 años de investigación sobre educación superior en América Latina y el Caribe: pasado, presente y futuro” (30 years of research on higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean: past, present and future), this special issue of the Journal expects to receive papers that analyze the sector’s trajectory in terms of public policies and educational innovations aimed at reducing inequalities and promoting social justice and the right to education. It also intends to cover the sector’s contemporary problems, revealing its situation in the face of the dizzying changes of the current context, and future prospects. Contributions are expected to address these issues in relation to the region as a whole, the sub-regions and/or the countries that make up the region.
As of this anniversary issue, Dr. Norberto Fernández Lamarra will assume the position of General Editor of this publication and Professors Pablo García, Cristian Pérez and Marisa Álvarez will join the General Editorial Council.
Contributions are called for in accordance with the rules for the preparation and submission of texts, which are available on the website of the journal Educación Superior y Sociedad.