The covid-19 pandemic in Peru: an opportunity to teach and learn differently at the university

By Ana Mendigutxia | The COVID-19 pandemic in Peru has forced institutions to seek references and guides in the process of adapting the learning methodological framework. And this is exactly one of the most important challenges that faces the Program to support the design and implementation of strategies for the continuity of the higher educational services in the public universities of Peru, created by the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC). This program aims tocarry out a teacher training in attention to their technological needs, but, above all, pedagogical, seeking the most appropriate didactics for the situation.
“It is important to design in the university new learning contexts that are authentic and meaningful. With new tools that allow future graduates to develop their skills, ”says Carme Hernández-Escolano, pedagogical leader of the project and academic coordinator of three universities in the frame of the program lead by UNESCO-IESALC.
The leadership exercised by higher education institutions has been essential when facing organizational and technological change. Taking into consideration a very clear vision about the opportunity that this situation represents in terms of the transformation and improvement of the quality of university education.
Read the full history in Spanish.
Picture of Anna Shvets on Pexels.