Dialogues around the transformation of the classroom, towards remote and hybrid teaching

“It is a good time for pedagogy. It is back in the debate to rethink teaching methodologies ” said Hernández-Escolano.
Carme Hernández-Escolano, pedagogical leader of the PMESUT Project and Mariana Maggio, Manager of academic programs of Microsoft Latin America talk about the transformation of the classroom in the opening session of dialogues on the occasion of the launch of the teacher training phase of the Program to support the design and implementation of strategies for the continuity of the higher educational services in the public universities of Peru.
What was the classroom like before the pandemic? Hernández-Escolano wonders. “The classroom is no longer a physical space, students learn outside the classroom, and they also have to develop digital skills. For this reason, the fact of having carried out a remote transformation forces us to reflect on what kind of classroom we need ”.
“These are times of collective transformation, and this is excellent news”, Maggio highlights. The health emergency situation has meant that universities and their teachers have had to constantly change the framework. But, as Maggio and Hernández-Escolano explain, if there is something that defines universities, it is the expiration and constant transformation of knowledge.
Both have underlined the enormous effort that teachers have made to adapt the teaching process to virtual environments. “To improve teaching practices we must give ourselves the possibility of living digital experiences to understand the scope. We have to rely on colleagues who have already done these practices before”, recommends Maggio.
Read the full history in Spanish.
Note: This dialogue took place within the framework of the launch on October 20th of the teacher training phase of the Program to support the design and implementation of strategies for the continuity of the higher educational services in the public universities of Peru (Spanish).