Higher education is key to building back better post-COVID / University World News
New global commitments by governments and the international community to protect education spending and transform education to drive the post-COVID recovery and sustainable development are welcome. Engaging with and supporting the global higher education sector will be essential to their success. On 20-22 October UNESCO demonstrated their global leadership in education by convening an extraordinary session of the Global Education Meeting in light of the impact of the “unprecedented social, human and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic”. Access to the full article by Joanna Newman, Slim Khalbous and Hilligje van’t Land on University World News.

9 noviembre, 2020
New global commitments by governments and the international community to protect education spending and transform education to drive the post-COVID recovery and sustainable development are welcome. Engaging with and supporting the global higher education sector will be essential to their success.
On 20-22 October UNESCO demonstrated their global leadership in education by convening an extraordinary session of the Global Education Meeting in light of the impact of the “unprecedented social, human and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic”.
Access to the full article by Joanna Newman, Slim Khalbous and Hilligje van’t Land on University World News.