Open call for submissions for volume 33 nº 2 (July-December 2021) of the journal Higher Education and Society – ESS

The journal Educación Superior y Sociedad (ESS) (Higher Education and Society), a periodic publication edited by the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), opens a new call for unpublished articles to appear in its next issue (Vol 33 nº 2 july-december 2021) which will be released in the second half of 2021. The deadline for submitting contributions is April 1, 2021.
This space for dissemination and approach to scientific research in universities and higher education institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean and other regions, is mainly oriented to the dissemination of research papers and theoretical studies on the field of higher education and its thematic trends.
As of its next issue – Vol. 33 nº 1 currently under evaluation – this biannual, refereed and indexed publication will have Professor Norberto Fernández Lamarra as general editor, along with Professors Cristian Pérez Centeno, Marisa Álvarez and Pablo García as associate editors, and Débora Ramos Torres, from UNESCO-IESALC, as executive editor.
For its general section, volume 33 nº 2 of ESS will receive articles resulting from research linked to the higher level that will be subjected to anonymous (double-blind) external peer review. In addition, the call is open for two thematic dossiers that will be published in the same issue:
Call for Thematic Dossier A: Challenges for Higher Education in face of the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean. At the beginning of 2020, an epidemic outbreak of a new virus with the capacity to produce respiratory conditions that could lead to death was identified, and by March, COVID-19 had already been declared a pandemic. The capacity of the virus to spread, and the severity of its effects, led to a health crisis with dramatic impacts on all areas of life, particularly in the field of higher education. Within this framework, the journal Educación Superior y Sociedad ESS identifies the need to promote and disseminate knowledge, research, and interdisciplinary studies on the impact of COVID-19 on higher education. This dossier of the journal will feature Dr. Professor Hugo Casanova (UNAM) and Dr. Professor Pablo Garcia (UNTREF) as guest editors.
Call for Thematic Dossier B: Contribution of Higher Education to the Intangible Cultural Heritage ICH: co-constructing a dialogue of “inter-knowledge”. In accordance with the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, we consider it essential to include content related to the ICH in the Higher Education agendas, specifically in the training spaces for future cultural managers and related disciplines. In this sense, contributions for this dossier are expected to provide evidence and research findings that will enrich the debate and critical analysis of experiences around the ICH in university policies and in its various fields of action (training, research, institutional management, and university extension), giving special relevance to the systematization of experiences of progress in the integration or cross-curricular processes of the ICH and its potential in the processes of sustainable development proposed by the 2030 Agenda. Dr. Patricia San Martín (IRICE: CONICET-UNR) and Attorney Mónica Guariglio (UNDAV), coordinators of the Red de Cooperación Académica en PCI de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (ReCA PCI LAC) (Latin American and Caribbean Network of Academic Cooperation in ICH) will be guest editors of this dossier.
Check the rules for the submission of texts here