The UNESCO-IESALC campaign convenes university students and higher education graduates to share their academic experience abroad

Students, teachers, persons responsible for internationalization and researchers interested in sharing their professional and academic experiences abroad will be able to participate by sending their testimony until February 19th.
According to UNESCO figures, world academic mobility is approximately 5 million students, whereas in Latin America and the Caribbean is about 312 thousand students (2017). Out of this number of students from a Latin American or a Caribbean country, only 120 thousand stayed in the same region. It is the second world geographic block in which the growth in mobility has been the lowest recorded, according to the information compiled in the publication on academic mobility published by UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) in 2019.
While low intraregional mobility has been an ongoing concern prior to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, these figures may be affected due to the disruption of educational continuity, which is now in its first year. In this context, the IESALC has launched a promotional campaign in favor of the ratification of the New Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Degrees and Diplomas in Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, as a mechanism to facilitate the process of recognition of studies for students and academics in the region in a transparent, fair and non-discriminatory manner. The goal is to facilitate intraregional academic mobility on the basis of the Latin American consensus and with a view to strengthening the region’s higher education systems.As part of this initiative, IESALC calls the university community of the region to share their experiences through individual testimonies from students, teachers, persons responsible for internationalization and researchers, regarding the academic mobility, and to identify the advantages and disadvantages that for university students have meant to develop their professional and academic activities abroad. The answers obtained will help to promote the right to higher education for all people in the region.
Those interested in participating, uploading a one-minute video or a text of maximum 500 words, are invited to send them to, using the label #ConvenioEdSupUNESCO in the subject until February 19th 2021. Download the questions and tips to record and share your own video and/or text here: Testimonies #UNESCOHigherEdConvention.
To be able to use your video on our website it is required to fill out the Authorization and Use Form and send it to entering in the subject #UNESCOHigherEdConvention. with the video or text to be published.