Open call for papers for the 5th International Conference on Technical Vocational Education and Training in the Caribbean

The 5th International Conference on Technical Vocational Education and Training in the Caribbean opened a call for papers with the subject of Creating opportunities in a global pandemic.
The topics are: Impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of TVET, innovative strategies to facilitate delivery of TVET in a pandemic, quality assurance measures for TVET in the context of a global pandemic, innovative TVET for Youth Empowerment and Entrepreneurship, digital skills requirement for delivery of TVET in a pandemic, access to TVET in the context of the pandemic, new and emerging jobs resulting from the COVID-19 landscape, industry engagement in TVET in a pandemic, new technologies emanating from industry 4.0 for delivering TVET, profile of the TVET leader in view of COVID 19, inclusive strategies for the mainstreaming of TVET in the region and in search of a model for sustainable financing of TVET.