Online course promotes UNESCO’s new Regional Convention for the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees

With the aim of contributing to a better understanding of the new UNESCO Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as to promote its ratification in the countries of the region, the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) will launch the Course on the Regional Convention for the Recognition of Studies, available from 21 April on the educational platform Campus IESALC.
Aimed at government officials with responsibilities in the field of recognition and accreditation of studies, students and representatives of internationalization of universities and civil society in general, the course seeks to generate reflections and actions around the role of this UNESCO instrument as a facilitator of recognition of studies for students and academics in the region in a transparent, fair and non-discriminatory manner.
In its five modules, the course will address issues related to regional and global academic mobility, the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education as UNESCO’s first worldwide instrument in this field, on the existing international conventions on the recognition of studies and academic degrees in other regions of the world, and on the role of the New Regional Convention in promoting academic mobility in the region and international cooperation in higher education.
Available in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese, this course is part of a comprehensive campaign launched by UNESCO IESALC with the hashtag #ConvenioEdSupUNESCO to raise awareness of the main features of the New Regional Convention and its benefits for students, institutions and governments, as well as to promote its early ratification in the region. Adopted by 26 States Parties and signed by 13, the entry into force of this instrument requires ratification by four States Parties. To date, only Peru and Grenada have ratified it.
Those interested in participating in this course and in supporting the ratification of this Convention can register at https://campus.iesalc.unesco.
Press contact: Sara Maneiro
Photo: William Potter