Call for a contest for a new logo

Verdict of the contest for a new logo
The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), after meeting with the members of its Governing Board as jury of the competition for a new logo of the Institute, has decided that the competition had no winners as the proposals received did not meet the requested characteristics. In this sense, it has decided to call it again for January 15, 2022, when its bases will be announced by this means and through the Institute’s social networks.
We invite you to be attentive to the new call that seeks to project the Institute towards the higher education of the 21st century, mediated by technology, artificial intelligence, changes in cross-border relations and social challenges and, above all, by the imminent irruption of the global, equitable and ethical character that higher education aspires to society in a diverse, interdisciplinary, collaborative and co-responsible world with its environment.
The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), the only United Nations institute dedicated exclusively to higher education, is calling for a competition for the creation of a new logo in line with its vision: to become an institution of international reference on the promotion of higher education as a public good and as a universal right, within the framework of the United Nations’ system of values.
The internationalization of the Institute is framed in the context of the era of digitalization, amidst dizzying processes of societal transformation, affected at this time by the pandemic, and the challenges of meeting the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, in particular Goal #4 to ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all people.
In this context of a post-pandemic reality, UNESCO IESALC requires a logo to project the Institute towards a 21st century higher education, mediated by technology, artificial intelligence, changes in cross-border relations and social challenges and, above all, by the imminent emergence of the global, equitable and ethical character that higher education aspires to in the face of society in a diverse, interdisciplinary, collaborative world that is co-responsible with its environment.
To this end, it calls for an open competition for individuals and/or teams to develop the new emblem, integrating the present and future of higher education with its global challenges and changes.
The logo should reflect or contain the idea of higher education in the 21st century with all its implications: quality higher education for all people throughout life, with the participation of digital communications and within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals. Ideally, it should suggest the notion of change, progress and transformation as a condition for quality higher education with equity in the 21st century.
Aimed at
Young graphic designers, under 35 years of age, residing in Latin American and Caribbean countries.
Design criteria
- Designs are expected to be clear and readable at a distance (for example, when used on banners and posters).
- Designs must be adapted to various formats, media and sizes.
- Designs will be based on an iconic image and will not use the name of the institute
- Designs must be compatible with additional logos, equivalent in size to the IESALC logo. It is recommended the previous reading of the Graphical Standards and Manual Tool Kit for this purpose.
- UNESCO IESALC recommends visiting the Institute’s website for information on its mission, objectives and activities.
Applicants must submit logo designs in letter size format (21.5 cm × 28 cm).
– Designs must be 300dpi and have a maximum size of 10MB.
– Accepted file types: pdf, jpeg, jpg, png, tif, tiff, ai, eps.
– Designs may use the colors provided in the attached palette but must take into account readability -especially at a distance- and ease of reproduction.
– Designers should include a statement of no more than 100 words explaining how the submitted design interprets 21st century higher education.
– Designers must submit a letter certifying that the design is original.
– Applicants may include up to 3 variations of their logo design (optional).
– Candidates may include a supporting document for their design, for example, a style guide/a design brief, etc. (optional).
– No application is needed and the proposals should be sent to
The evaluation will be carried out by the UNESCO Governing Board. Jury members will select the winning work based on the clarity and power of the message, overall artistic merit, communicational ability, and ease of use and reproduction. UNESCO IESALC may ask the winner(s) to adjust the winning design prior to dissemination.
Original Work
All elements of the logo design must be original work. The candidate affirms that he/she is the sole author of the submitted work (or in the case of a team submission, that the team is its sole author) and that he/she has full and exclusive rights to grant UNESCO ISALC the authorization to use the work.
At the time of submission, the author grants UNESCO IESALC unlimited worldwide rights to use and reproduce the contributed material, which will become the exclusive property of UNESCO IESALC. The author is exempt from any compensation or royalties beyond the total amount of the prize awarded. UNESCO IESALC reserves the right to translate and publish the logo in one or more additional languages on a global scale.
All projects must be submitted by June 30, 2021, to
The announcement of the winner project, initially estimated for July 15, 2021, has been postponed to November 2021.
The author(s) of the winning presentation will receive a one-time payment of EUR 1,000 and the runner-up will receive EUR 500. In the case of team presentations, the prizes will be divided equally among all team members. The jury may select special mentions without cash prize.
For further information please write to
Photo by Tranmautritam in Pexels.