Campaign launch for the implementation of UNESCO’s New Regional Convention

On May 3, 2021, a new website will make available to the public the information related to the procedures for the recognition of studies, degrees and diplomas in the region, as part of an explanatory campaign that seeks to generate reflection and actions around the ratification of UNESCO’s New Regional Convention for the Recognition of Studies, Degrees and Diplomas, under the hashtag #UNESCOHigherEdConvention (#ConvenioEdSupUNESCO).
Created by the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), the New Regional Convention campaign includes an open and free online course available on the platform, aimed at government officials with responsibilities on the issues of recognition and accreditation of studies, students, and representatives of civil society in general. The self-managed course, in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish has a total duration of 5 hours and participants will receive a certificate upon completion.
On Tuesday, May 4, an online forum will kick off a series of exchanges with experts on recognition issues that seek to answer the main questions about the progress of this type of academic instruments and the benefits that their implementation would bring to the region.
As part of this initiative, a series of testimonial messages will be disseminated through social networks to promulgate, through concrete experiences, the benefits and difficulties faced by students and professors during their university academic experience when they move abroad, and the difficulties they face to have their partial or total studies recognized upon returning to their countries of origin.
The international academic and university community is invited to follow the campaign on social networks with the hashtag in English #UNESCOHigherEdConvention (#ConvenioEdSupUNESCO in Spanish), and to be an active part of the conversations to highlight the importance of placing the prompt ratification of the New Regional Convention as a fundamental instrument to promote academic mobility and regional cooperation on the agenda of the legislative bodies of each country, and to initiate actions looking to implement this normative instrument in a shared manner among the region’s member countries.
For further details contact José Antonio Quinteiro