CRES COLLECTION 2018 – Higher Education as part of the education System in Latin America and the Caribbean. Quality and quality assurance

Although the main objective of the publication is to promote reflection on quality, the emphasis of the text is on the analysis of the quality assurance policies and mechanisms operating in the countries.
Although the publication’s main objective is to promote reflection on quality, the emphasis of the text is on the analysis of the quality assurance policies and mechanisms in operation in the countries.
This decision responds to the conviction that, in a context of broad diversity, it is essential to have
This decision responds to the conviction that, in a context of wide diversity, it is essential to have instances that allow public assurance of the quality of higher education institutions and programs, but that, at the same time, generate the conditions for both institutions and programs to commit themselves to a sustained development towards the fulfillment of their purposes and of the quality criteria in force in their respective higher education systems.
Download the book La educación superior como parte del sistema educativo en América Latina y el Caribe. Quality and quality assurance, coordinated by María José Lemaitre.