New publications on equitable access, digital hubs and strategies for pedagogical continuity

Within the framework of the alliance between the Ministry of Education of Peru and UNESCO IESALC, a series of publications was presented on June 15, 2021, with the aim of providing officials, authorities and those responsible for formulating higher education policies in Latin America, a systematization of international experiences on how States have been addressing the COVID-19 emergency in the university environment.
Below we share them for consultation and free download.
Orientations for the continuity of university higher education services. Content proposals for a policy brief. A document on the effects of the pandemic on university higher education and on the technological solutions that have been implemented for pedagogical continuity. It addresses the main problems encountered in terms of quality and equity, the major successes of the strategies implemented, as well as issues related to financial, technological and pedagogical support mechanisms.
Download the long version in spanish and english
Download the short version at spanish and english
Strategy for equitable access with emphasis on health emergency. This report presents a synthesis of some of the equitable access policies that have been developed internationally, including countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, Southeast Asia and Anglo-Saxon countries. The policies issued are heterogeneous and range from specific laws, financing schemes and the creation of specialized universities designed for disadvantaged students. Specifically, a classification of policies is offered in two complementary dimensions: on the one hand, those that are articulated on the supply side and, on the other, those that are articulated on the demand side.
Download the report at spanish and english
Proposal of conceptual framework and implementation strategy of the Digital Hubs in strategic regions of Peru. In the framework of the implementation of support mechanisms to strengthen vocational guidance, identify the potential of students, and optimize the latter, the idea of Digital Hubs, and its different models (Community Centers, Internet Centers and Digital Points) is conceived as spaces for technological support and support to students in higher education. This document proposes international experiences, as well as the relevance of Student Support Centers (Learning Resources Centers / Teaching and Learning Resources Center, Psychological Accompaniment, Professional Orientation).