Extension of the deadline for reception of articles for Volume 34 of ESS Journal and its thematic dossier “Quality of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean”

The Journal Educación Superior y Sociedad ESS (Higher Education and Society) of the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) extends the term of the call for contributions for Volume 34, which will include thematic dossier A entitled: “Quality of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean”. Articles presenting research results related to higher education will be accepted until November 30, 2021, for both the general section and the next thematic dossier that will be published in the first half of 2022.
In accordance with the Declaration of the III Regional Conference on Higher Education – CRES (Córdoba, 2018), which reaffirms the recognition of higher education as a public and social good, as a universal human right, and as a duty of States, we consider of utmost interest the inclusion of articles that address different aspects from which to approach, in a broad and contextualized manner, the ever-present issue of the Quality of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean and its countries.
Thus, the next issue of the Journal’s Dossier “Quality of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean” – to be edited by Dr. Elisa Lucarelli (Argentina) and Dr. Maria Isabel Da Cunha (Brazil) – is expected to include articles addressing the issue of curriculum innovation, and the quality of teaching and evaluation in the framework of institutional policies and experiences related to the incorporation of new student populations and the consequent responses to those historically excluded from higher education; teacher professionalization, and the articulation of the higher level with other levels of the educational system in order to favor the improvement of the quality of the offer. Proposals related to quality and its relationship with the impact of digital technologies in new teaching modalities, with university pedagogical consultancies, with the training of researchers and with the curricularization of the extension are presented in this issue to be researched, debated and critically analyzed.
The new closing date for submitting of articles for this issue (general section and dossier) is November 30, 2021.
All articles received will be submitted to anonymous external peer review (double blind).
For further details please write to ess-iesalc@unesco.org
The ESS Journal, whose General Editor is Professor Norberto Fernández Lamarra, is a periodical published by the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO-IESALC). It is the most important space for dissemination and approach to scientific research in Universities and Higher Education Institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean, and other regions. The ESS Journal is mainly oriented to the dissemination of research papers and theoretical studies on the field of higher education and its thematic trends. It is a biannual publication, peer-reviewed and indexed, that disseminates the most relevant advances in research and innovation in the field of higher education at an international level.