COVID-19: Monitoring the state of higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean

More than a year after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many students of higher education institutions (HEI) in Latin America continue to be affected by the full or partial closure of their study centers; changing the modality of delivery from face-to-face classes to virtual.
In order to monitor the current status of this situation in the Region, the map Reopening Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean during COVID-19 offers information on the current status of HEI, Internet access, and the state of vaccination in these countries.
A second map entitled Reopening Plans for the Next Academic Cycle – Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, shows the plans announced by each country for the next academic cycle. These maps will be updated progressively and have been generated from available official information.
Access the site dedicated to the COVID-19: Towards the reopening of higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean, for complete information on this initiative.