39 Peruvian University Students received laptops and tablets in the digital leaders competition

During the month of August of this year, 39 young Peruvians received the prizes corresponding to the Digital Leaders Competition, broadcast live via Facebook on January 27 as part of the closing ceremony of the Program to support the design and implementation of strategies for the continuity of the higher educational services in the public universities of Peru (COVID-19). Through this Program 2800 teachers and technicians and more than 2300 students from 13 public universities in Peru were trained with the support of UNESCO IESALC.
Committed to the need to support the innovation of its students, each institution awarded three participants, after they were put to test for two weeks using Facebook and the interactive test tool Kahoot!. The first prize was a Lenovo laptop, the second a Dell Latitude laptop, and the third a Samsung Galaxy tablet.
The Digital Leaders Competition is part of the activities developed by UNESCO IESALC in its Program to support the design and implementation of strategies for the continuity of the higher educational services in the public universities of Peru (COVID-19) and the Program for the Improvement of the Quality and Relevance of Higher University and Technological Education Services on a National Level (PMESUT) of the Ministry of Education of Peru. The UNESCO IESALC program was attended by more than 48 specialists from various countries (Argentina, Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador), and it held more than 28 seminars that allowed strengthening the knowledge provided in the field of digital competence in Peru.
In order of awards, the winners were the following:
Silvia Milagros Torres Valles, Anderson David Mendoza Panaifo and Freema Ríos Paredes (Universidad Nacional Autónoma del Alto Amazonas)
Brady Jeremy Nuñez Cano, Kevin Jesús Urrutia Romero and Rolando Chipana Enciso (Universidad Nacional José María Arguedas)
Camila Beatriz Sifuentes Rosario, Nathaly Sharon Aparicio García and Daniel Rios Robles (Universidad Nacional del Callao)
Araceli Yeraldine Aliaga Nolasco, Cliwfs Howard Figueroa Valeriano and Joissy Miluska Orrego Estrada (Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva)
Jorge Luis Castañeda Barturén, Lorena Ariana Rojas Vera and Luis Edgardo More Villalta (Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruíz Gallo)
Sandra Dayci Condori Hinostroza, Ciprián Ochoa Palomino and José Eduardo Trujillo Flores (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Huanta)
Luz Karina Lumba Vázques, Omer Angaspilco Dávila and Carlos Edwin Olivera Dávila (Universidad Nacional Autonóma de Chota)
Wilmer Ubalde Vilca, Jafet Jomeini Collazos Caballero and Fernando Flores Condori (Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios)
Analy Cruz, Luz Melania Díaz and Cielo Huamani (Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurímac)
Diego Augusto Minaya Huayre, Roger Carlos Huaman Rojas and Lida Thalia Pérez de la Cruz (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Tayacaja)
Stanyyer Isai García Aguilar, Luis Alonso Huaman Murga and Rosa Paucar Pérez (Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca)
Jessica Mónica Illescas Villareal, Denilson Fran Venturo and Dulcemaría Devora Ascanoa (Universidad Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión)
Klein Maykol Quintana Huanca, Stefano Rosario Bocanegra and Rubí del Pilar Baique (Universidad Nacional de Jaén)
Picture of NordWood Themes on Unsplash | Images courtesy of Peruvian universities.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Alto Amazonas -
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Huanta -
Universidad Nacional de Jaén -
Universidad Nacional Autónoma De Tayacaja -
Universidad Nacional Autónoma De Tayacaja -
Universidad Nacional Autónoma De Tayacaja -
Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo -
Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo -
Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo -
Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo -
Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo -
Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva -
Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca -
Universidad Nacional José María Arguedas -
Universidad Nacional del Callao -
Universidad Nacional del Callao -
Universidad Nacional del Callao -
Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurímac -
Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios