#23Nov Webinar inclusion in higher education

As part of the events prior to the 3rd UNESCO World Higher Education Conference that will take place in Barcelona from May 18 to 20, 2022, UNESCO IESALC will carry out a consultation for Latin America and the Caribbean that will collect the voices of the different groups of interest related to higher education (HEI leaders, academics, students, governments, rectors’ conferences, university associations/networks, employers, multilateral organizations, etc.) on ten key issues for higher education.
For the consultation, UNESCO IESALC will carry out ten webinars between October 2021 and February 2022. Its themes will revolve around the ten key issues that the World Conference will address.
On November 23, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m (Caracas time), UNESCO IESALC will held the Webinar 1: Inclusion in higher education with the participation of the expert on higher education and president of uPlanner, Jamil Salmi.

The panel will count on the participation of:
Pamela Molina Toledo, Executive Director of the Federación Mundial de Personas Sordas (World Federation of the Deaf)
Isabel Román Vega, Research general coordinator for the report Informe Estado de la Educación
Sonia Viñas Sánchez, Director of Universia Foundation
The event will count on sign language interpretation
Register here: https://unesco-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_g-XYAc40QcqqzZeZp7Mtew
Time | Activity |
10:00 – 10:03 h. | Welcome remarks and presentation Moderator |
10:04 – 10:10 h. | Welcome remarksFrancesc Pedró, Director – UNESCO IESALC |
10:11 – 10:20 hrs. | Welcome message – Partners |
10:21 – 10:23 h. | Expert introduction Moderator |
10:24 – 10:54 h. | Expert presentationDr. Jamil Salmi, President uPlanner |
10:55 – 11:00 h. | Conclusions and closure |
11:00 – 11:45 h. | Panel with principal actors of Higher education in the region |
11:46 – 12:00 h. | Questions from the audience and session closure |