UNESCO IESALC hosts students from IE university to undertake a capstone project

Capstone Projects have become an important modality of curriculum development in the quest to bring students closer to their experiences as professionals in the labour market. A Capstone Project is an opportunity for students to apply what they have learned in their programs in a real-world environment and gain practical knowledge and transversal skills. Under the supervision of a mentor in an external organization and a tutor within their university, students are encouraged to devise creative and innovative solutions to specific challenges.
Working with the IE School of Global and Public Affairs of IE University, UNESCO-IESALC has designed two different capstone projects within its research line, ‘Higher Education and Development’, to enhance students’ professional knowledge and skills of the higher education sector.
Eight students from the IE Master’s in International Development will be conducting in two groups a global review of the various ways in which higher education institutions are contributing to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The goal is to provide evidence and good practices that can inspire other institutions across the globe to further promote the SDGs within their capabilities of education, research, engagement, and management as well as to offer recommendations to policymakers about the best ways to support universities’ efforts. Welcome aboard Taylor Jones Klinefelter, Amy Ingram, Simo Sirvio Otto, Yoko Kojima, Arielle Jeanlouis, Lily Bagher, Ingrid Moukarzel and Raneem Hamad. Dr. Carlos Lastra will be tutoring the student work at IE University.
In addition, four students from the IE Master’s in International Relations will be exploring the characteristics of international scholarships, the main form in which International Aid is given within the higher education area. The resulting document will be a valuable input to understand the key stakeholder’s rationale and engage them in future discussions looking to enhance coordination and unite efforts to maximize the impact of higher education aid. Manuel Bocalandro, Marina Perez Romo, Paula Stuyck Sanchez De Leon and Ramon Sebastian Olives Mathay Olives have joined this project tutored in IE by Dr. Pablo Swendberg Gonzalez.
IESALC is looking forward to working with the twelve very talented students from IE who will be part of this exciting initiative.