Cycle Challenges of Inclusion in Higher Education: “Leaving no one behind”

Inclusion is undoubtedly one of the great challenges of higher education. The topic is so relevant and its edges are so diverse that UNESCO IESALC held a series of three webinars “Leaving no one behind”, on the challenges that higher education has to assume in the area of inclusion in order to successfully face the challenges of the near future, in times of rapid change.
The purpose of these meetings was to encourage analysis and reflection on the transformations that university institutions must undergo in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda: ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
The first webinar delved into the dimension of equitable access, the second explored the pedagogical dimension and the third emphasized the participation dimension. A total of 1,600 people registered for the series and nearly 350 attended each webinar.
A large group of experts from various institutions around the world and thanks to the participation of a large audience, also from different latitudes, identified the main barriers, challenges and opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean in terms of university inclusion.
Likewise, significant experiences were shared as good practices for overcoming the challenges of inclusion as a continuous process linked to access, learning and participation of all social groups with equal opportunities.
All these valuable contributions will be included in the Consultation for Latin America and the Caribbean, which will be submitted to UNESCO’s World Higher Education Conference 2022 (WHEC2022), to be held in Barcelona (Spain) and which seeks to draw a roadmap for higher education in the coming decades.
Webinar 1: “Educational Access Dimension”