Deadline extended for the thematic dossier and general section (vol. 34, nº2-jul.- dec. 2022) of the Journal ESS – Deadline extended for the thematic dossier of #ESS Journal

Until Friday, April 29, 2022, the call to send contributions is open for the thematic dossier of Vol. 34, N ° 2 (July-December 2022) of the Journal Higher Education and Society (ESS in Spanish).
In this new opportunity, the thematic dossier will discuss Democratization and policies for the inclusion of diversity in Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean.
In recent decades, higher education policies – as a reflection of what happens in society – have been aimed at recognizing social diversity and promoting processes of inclusion in the classroom as a way of working on prejudices and discriminations so rooted in the region. This Dossier seeks to review the progress made and the gray areas, addressing at least the following dimensions: inclusion of socioeconomic diversity, ethnic-racial diversity, gender and other sexualities, migrants and refugees, and people with diversity functional. With a focus on democratization and inclusion policies in higher education, articles should recover research works on normative conditions and information generation strategies to address diversity, experiences on innovative management and academic development, strategies to avoid desertion / promote graduation or studies, trends and state of affairs on the calling issue. The works may refer to the regional, subregional or national order. The Dossier will be organized by Sylvie Didou Aupetit (DIE / CINVESTAV, Mexico) and Adriana Chiroleu (UNRosario, Argentina) as Guest Editors.
The call to send contributions is open following the rules for preparing and sending texts, available on the ESS journal website.