Survey will evaluate the transformation of higher education in the post-pandemic period

It is undeniable that the COVID-19 brought about a change in the way people teach and learn. A survey, designed by the Inter-American Dialogue -a center for analysis and policy exchange-, seeks to understand and evaluate how the pandemic has transformed higher education in the region, both to address the technological needs of distance education and to respond to the changing demands of the labor market.
The instrument is divided into three sections with questions that focus on changes in the demand, supply and permanence of:
- Hybrid and/or virtual programs
- New careers, areas of study or competencies
- Alliances that HEIs have formed with other institutions or with the private sector to expand their services
The survey is directed to senior administrative or leadership positions in the institutions, who have a broad knowledge of strategic decisions on financing, institutional alliances, supply and demand of careers, enrollment, both at the institutional and departmental level.
The sample includes tertiary education institutions (university and non-university) that grant undergraduate degrees, both publicly managed and the focus is on first degree programs, not graduate programs.
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