UTA and UNESCO IESALC look together into the futures of higher education

The UNESCO IESALC team, which leads the theme on the futures of higher education, shared its findings and visions with representatives of the Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (UTE), of Ecuador, in the framework of the construction of its educational model.
Emma Sabzalieva, Dana Abdrasheva, Eglis Chacón and Luz Gamarra presented the progress made in the UNESCO IESALC’s reports: “Thinking Higher and Beyond: Perspectives on the Futures of Higher Education to 2050“ and “Pathways to 2050 and beyond: findings from a public consultation on the Futures of Higher Education”.
They seek to stimulate creative thinking and ideas by addressing, among other things, the role of higher education for individual empowerment, community development, societal progress and global cohesion; as well as the expectations of how higher education should achieve the goals of sustainable development: inclusive, student-centered, with different ways of organizing knowledge and connected to communities and the planet.
This activity was attended by the vice rector of UTE, Verónica Guerra; Claudia Ballas, general coordinator; Paco Arévalo, director of planning; deans and directors of the university.
Guerra thanked those present for their participation and highlighted the points made by the UNESCO IESALC team: “These are interesting data that encourage us to think about how to solve each of these problems and look for alternatives to offer a better education to our students”.