Talk on challenges and opportunities for teacher training | April 27

On Wednesday, April 27, the International Center for Innovation in Higher Education UNESCO-ICHEI invites you to a talk on the challenges and opportunities for teacher training in higher education in Latin America, given by Dr. Ivana Griselda Zacarías, PhD in Education and Society from the University of Barcelona and Master in International Education Policy from Harvard University. For almost ten years, she worked as a teacher and researcher in the Teaching Improvement Program at the National University of San Martín.
This webinar will address the current challenges and opportunities for teacher education in Latin America. The idea is to outline a set of policy alternatives or recommendations that may make sense in the current complex context.
The presentation is aimed at university students, teachers, public officials and others interested in how to improve teacher education policies in Latin America, and in developing countries in general.
More information and registration:
Date: April 27, 2022
Time: 10:00 am (Buenos Aires, Argentina)