International cooperation to enhance synergies
With the participation of: Pam Fredman (President, International Association of Universities), and Oscar Alpa (Secretary of University Policies, Argentina – Ministry of Education) Moderator: Francesc Pedró (UNESCO IESALC Director) A dialogue about the possibilities of international cooperation that started with the experience of Argentina in the internationalization process followed by the experience of the IAU. Higher education is a human right; internationalization must guarantee equitable and inclusive quality for education. The 2030 agenda plays a critical role in shaping alliances to achieve the SDG’s. Internationalization must be supportive, respecting cultural diversity and the ability to live together and to work […]
3 junio, 2022

With the participation of: Pam Fredman (President, International Association of Universities), and Oscar Alpa (Secretary of University Policies, Argentina – Ministry of Education)
Moderator: Francesc Pedró (UNESCO IESALC Director)

A dialogue about the possibilities of international cooperation that started with the experience of Argentina in the internationalization process followed by the experience of the IAU.
- Higher education is a human right; internationalization must guarantee equitable and inclusive quality for education. The 2030 agenda plays a critical role in shaping alliances to achieve the SDG’s.
- Internationalization must be supportive, respecting cultural diversity and the ability to live together and to work in a local and global community.
- The need for academic networks and joint projects that encourage academic mobility and degree recognition is also essential.
- Internationalization needs to be seen according to the mission and visions of organizations. Research and education need to be together as part of internationalization.
- Now research is not seen from an institutional perspective, driven by researchers and excellence (top-level, excluding different parts of the world, and limiting south-south cooperation).
- We need to stop seeing Internationalization as a commercial income; the purpose should be intercultural understanding and disciplinary broadness and understanding instead of commoditization.
- Challenges of internationalization differ in different regions, but collaboration is the way to share and learn experiences; the government needs to also invest in internationalization.