The impact of Covid-19 in higher education

With the participation of: Jandhyala B G Tilak (Council for Social Development from India); Roberta Cordano (President, Gallaudet University, a US specialized institution on sign language-English teaching); Emma Sabzalieva (Head of research and policy analysis, UNESCO IESALC). Moderated by Vice-President of Lingnan University (Hong Kong), Prof Ka Ho Mok.
Moderator: Prof Ka Ho Mok. Vice-President of Lingnan University (Hong Kong),

The presentations revolved around the impacts of COVID-19 on higher education and the disruption of university teaching and student learning, research, HE finances, and mobility in different regions.
- Call on more collaboration to achieve SDG4 and Leave no one behind.
- Foster a long-term vision for HE in balance with different cultures, languages and systems for a better world
- HE as key for building back a post-COVID society
- The pandemic is not over, and it continues to affect HE with inequities. The UNESCO IESALC report calls for creating a more equitable post-pandemic world. It also calls for progress towards the democratization of internationalization.
- Think on the impact of Covid-19 on HE 20 years on the road.
- Enrich blended learning and access to technology and to mental health
- Put students at the very center of HE to become the best people, preparing them for jobs and life and to benefit for cross-cultural exchange as a way of democratization of HE.
- This panel also saw the official launch of the UNESCO-IESALC report Resuming or Reforming? Tracking the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education after two years of disruption, which offers a comprehensive overview of the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on higher education’s functions, particularly on administration and management, teaching and learning, research and internationalization.
Read the report: Resuming or Reforming?: Tracking the global impact on higher education after two years of disruption
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