2022 Survey of the Virtual Exchange Field: Call for Responses

The Stevens Initiative’s 2022 Survey of the Virtual Exchange Field is an important effort to document globally the numbers and types of virtual exchanges connecting individuals with their peers in countries around the world. Virtual exchange implementers are encouraged to participate in this effort to document this growing area of international education. This third iteration of the survey effort will yield critical insights about virtual exchange programs and the evolution and growth of the field.
The Stevens Initiative will:
- Publicly release the aggregated data from this survey later this fall, including sending a report to all respondents.
- Select a few programs that submit valid responses to be highlighted either in the public report or in a public webinar to discuss the survey findings in November 2022.
- Acknowledge and list all participating and eligible virtual exchange providers on the Initiative’s website with a link to include in your promotional efforts. In 2021, our website was viewed nearly 120,000 times and our outreach list had close to 9,000 subscribers.
Deadline: September 15, 2022, 5:00pm (in respondent’s local time zone)
2022 Survey: Download a PDF version of this year’s survey to preview specific survey items.
Contact: stevensinitiative.survey@gmail.com
Link to Survey: https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/6878998/2022-Survey-of-the-Virtual-Exchange-Field
More information here: https://www.stevensinitiative.org/2022-survey-of-the-virtual-exchange-field-call-for-responses/
Photo of Chris Montgomery on Unsplash