Three volumes to commemorate the centenary of the University Reform

The National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation (CONEAU) published 100 years of University Reform. Appeals to the Argentine university, to commemorate this singular date as well as to invite to renew the space for reflection on the university in that country, its trajectory, its present and its projection.
A plurality of voices converge in three volumes, willing to share their perspective, as the prologue points out: “Their positions interweave, at the same time, past and present issues, with the firm intention of being suggestive when rethinking the founding bases of the system beyond the actuality of the Reform, its principles and experiences. Among the authors are identified current and past university authorities, recognized experts, referents and evaluators, as well as former members of the Commission, whose participations can be read together with consolidated researchers and young observers”. The compilation was in charge of Francisco José Miguel Talento Cutrin.
The first volume is made up of contributions that review the core elements that have shaped the Argentine university over the last one hundred years since the University Reform of 1918. They include an updated review of the central elements of the Reform that represent the scaffolding of the current architecture of the public university, such as autonomy, the government by the cloisters, the periodic competition, the free professorship and the extensionism.
The second volume delves into the historical journey of the reformisms, the multiple political legacies of the principles of the Reform and their imbrications with the social and institutional conditions in which the reformists assumed and positioned themselves.
The third volume proposes a journey through the evolution of the Argentine public university as a result of the recovery of democracy.