46 academic authors participated in the Vol.32 nº1 of the ESS Journal

The latest issue of the journal Higher Education and Society (Educación Superior y Sociedad – ESS) (Vol.35, nº 1) is now available for researchers and the academic community in general, on the ESS platform.
This new edition of ESS contains a total of 20 articles written by 46 academic authors and researchers from different higher education institutions (HEIs) from 10 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay) and from Barcelona, Spain. These works have been published in 3 languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese and we also have, on this new occasion, the 2nd article translated into one of the languages of the native peoples, this time in Quechua.
All the articles published, as is customary in the ESS, have been peer-reviewed under the double-blind system. For this new opportunity, 58 reviewers from HEIs and research centres, as well as from UNESCO Chairs, all located in 12 countries in LAC and other regions of the world, participated.
The thematic dossier contained in this issue of ESS is entitled: “The futures of higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean” and included the work of Elia Marúm Espinosa, from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico, Cristian Perez Centeno, from the National University Tres de Febrero in Argentina, and Emma Sabzalieva, from UNESCO IESALC. The dossier contains 12 articles written by 23 authors (12 women and 11 men) from 14 HEIs located in 7 LAC countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Uruguay).
The article in indigenous language, written in Quechua with translation into Spanish, was written by a researcher from a university in Peru.
And finally, the general section of the journal, which deals with a variety of topics on the current concerns of higher education actors, has 7 articles by 23 authors (11 women and 12 men) from 18 HEIs in 6 LAC countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico) and Spain.