“Governance, government and management of Higher Education” is the issue of the new call for Journal ESS

The Journal Higher Education and Society (ESS in Spanish) of the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) opens its new call for Volume 36, number 1 corresponding to the first semester of 2024 (January-June) which will include a thematic dossier entitled: “Governance, government and management of Higher Education.”
Today, higher education institutions, especially Latin American universities, play a fundamental role in the growth and development processes in the countries of the region. This new role demands new organizational requirements if they are to respond appropriately to the economic, political, cultural, environmental, technological and social trends that are emerging both globally and locally. In this new scenario, it is not enough to respond to the demands of the environment; they must also promote changes and innovations in the socio-cultural, political and economic spheres. In this sense, governance becomes a critical success factor for these institutions, reasons enough to justify the dissemination of research papers on this relevant institutional topic.
Papers may be framed (although not exclusively) in the following topics:
- Governance, organization and management of higher education institutions.
- Strategic planning and financial administration of higher education institutions.
- Best practices in academic and administrative management of higher education institutions.
- Performance of higher education institutions.
The deadline for submission of articles for this issue (General Section and Dossier) is February 15, 2024.
All articles received will be subjected to anonymous external peer review (double blind). We invite you to send your submissions through the platform of the Journal Higher Education and Society (ESS).
The dossier will have as guest editors Pedro Antônio de Melo (Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos em Administração Universitária – INPEAU, Brazil), Francisco Ganga Contreras (Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile) and Victoria Galán-Muros (UNESCO IESALC).
For more information write to ess-iesalc@unesco.org
The ESS Journal, whose General Editor is Norberto Fernández Lamarra, is a periodical journal published by the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO IESALC) and is the main space for dissemination and approach to scientific research in Universities and Higher Education Institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean and other regions. ESS is mainly oriented to the dissemination of research papers and theoretical studies on the field of higher education and its thematic trends. It is a biannual journal, refereed and indexed, and disseminates internationally the most relevant advances in research and innovation in the field of higher education.