Primer addresses harnessing the era of artificial intelligence in higher education

The exponential growth of artificial intelligence has brought about a revolution in all fields. UNESCO IESALC has developed the guide “Harnessing the Era of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education. A Primer for Higher Education Stakeholders”, which provides basic information and guidance to enable different stakeholders to develop concepts and policies on AI, which will allow them to improve processes and outcomes.
Being central to the creation and dissemination of knowledge in societies around the world, HEIs must lead the way in ensuring that AI works for humans, that people’s goals and values are at its core, and that it is used to support the sustainability of the planet.
The primer, officially launched on September 6, 2023 at UNESCO’s Digital Learning Week, provides a detailed study of what AI is, how it is currently used in higher education, and how to address some of the impacts and ethical dilemmas that arise due to its diffusion.
Throughout the publication, evidence of the design, implementation, and impact of AI in higher education is provided in the following headings:
- Understanding what AI technology entails, recent developments in AI, as well as its common applications
- AI in higher education learning, teaching, and assessment
- AI and higher education administration and management
- Research on AI, AI-powered tools for research, and research on the SDGs using AI
- AI from higher education to the labour market, discussing the future of work, female participation in the AI labour market, competencies and skills for the AI era, and lifelong learning
- Key challenges for AI in higher education, including consideration of global inequality in the distribution of AI, issues relating to inclusion and diversity, and sustainability
- The ethics of AI in higher education, with particular attention to the application of the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of AI.
Attention is paid throughout to AI gender dynamics and inequalities, as well as an extensive practical guide with tools and recommendations to support and deepen a responsible and deep integration of AI in higher education.