Successful completion of the UNESCO IESALC Workshop on Quality Assurance and Virtualization of Courses for Teachers and Quality Coordinators

From November 7 to 9, 2023 the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), within the framework of the Teacher Competency Development Program, developed three face-to-face workshops in which crucial issues in the educational field, virtualization of courses and quality activities for institutional accreditation were addressed. It was attended by 80 participants from the Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle (UNE), including UNE authorities, quality coordinators and teachers.
Throughout 3 days, UNESCO IESALC specialists collaborated with teachers of various subjects in the design of courses for the hybrid learning modality. These workshops were attended by specialists from Argentina, Colombia, Spain, Mexico and Venezuela who shared knowledge for the adaptation of subjects to virtual environments based on creative thinking and innovation, enriched with digital educational resources focused on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This technical visit is part of the Teacher Competency Development Program taught by UNESCO IESALC, which began in early September and will culminate on December 13 with its virtual closure.
On the other hand, advisory and support sessions were coordinated for the improvement of the technological infrastructure in order to guarantee connectivity and accessibility in the implementation of these new hybrid learning models. As part of the activities, field work sessions were also held with UNE’s technological area teams to review installations and create action plans to ensure services in the university’s educational platforms.
At the same time, collaboration sessions were held with UNE’s Quality, Planning and Technology and Information teams to review the scope of the accreditation and technology consulting project. Its purpose was to identify areas of opportunity and build new evaluation models for the recognition of the quality of virtual education, according to the needs of the university.
During the working sessions, the UNE authorities and teachers in collaboration with UNESCO IESALC worked hard to improve the educational model of the university and define the next steps to ensure the quality of education in higher education.
During the closing session, Blanca Bernabé, UNESCO IESALC Academic Coordinator, highlighted the importance of these spaces for dialogue for the co-creation of strategies to improve the quality of education in higher education, and celebrated the fact that UNE is working hard for the benefit of its students and the educational community.
In the closing ceremony of the working sessions, Yuma Inzolia, UNESCO IESALC director of capacity development, highlighted the collaboration to strengthen teaching skills, promote a culture of quality and consolidate digital strategies to build a more just, sustainable and equitable future. Likewise, Lida Asencios Trujillo, rector of UNE, highlighted the importance of these changes to strengthen the institutional mission, renew the licensing and consolidate the hybrid learning educational model.
The university is committed to continue innovating and adapting to the challenges of the contemporary world, thus contributing to the sustainable development of education in Peru and the region.

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