Network to push regional recognition of qualifications | University World News

A network has been formally established to serve as the operational arm for the implementation of the UNESCO Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The decision was made by the committee for the convention at its second ordinary meeting in Havana on 9 February, which was also convened to review progress on the Work Plan established in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay, in April 2023, and monitor member states’ ratification processes.
The meeting was attended by representatives from ratifying member states (Cuba, Ecuador, Holy See and Uruguay), signatory member states (17), higher education institutions, academic authorities and international organisations.
In addition, representatives from non-signatory member states, the UNESCO Regional Office of Culture for Latin America and the Caribbean and the Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Cuba, and the Convention Permanent Secretariat based at UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO-IESALC) participated.
According to José Antonio Quinteiro, UNESCO-IESALC programme coordinator, ratifying member states emphasised the importance of the convention’s implementation to advancing the Education 2030 Agenda.
“This has, at its core, the principle of inclusion but inclusion in academic mobility is still greatly lagging in the region,” Quinteiro said.
Original post published on University World News