Stefania Giannini highlighted the importance of the Policy Observatory in providing HE data

On 5 March 2023, UNESCO’s Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education entered into force and has since been ratified by 25 Member States, enabling the recognition of studies and facilitating the academic mobility of millions of students.
The Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education is a milestone in the quest for fair, transparent and non-discriminatory recognition of skills and knowledge acquired in education.
This instrument establishes universal principles aimed at facilitating access to higher education and opportunities for study and employment, regardless of the country in which the qualifications were obtained.
Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director General for Education at UNESCO, recently presented the work plan on the Global Convention at the meeting of States Parties. She highlighted the importance of the UNESCO IESALC’s Higher Education Policy Observatory in facilitating knowledge of systems on a global scale, emphasising its contribution in a sector where there is still a lack of data on a global scale.
The Higher Education Policy Observatory provides access to essential and comparative information on higher education systems in most UNESCO countries, including: governance structures and regulatory bodies, key legislation surrounding higher education, quality assurance regimes, policies aimed at funding and ensuring equitable access to higher education, and policies for the recognition of higher education qualifications.