Innovation and “educational pact to help reduce gaps” | La Voz

“There is a global consensus on the need to sustain education as a central component in the agenda of countries. It is key for social, economic and institutional development.
Although Argentina is at the regional forefront in terms of secondary education coverage, it faces serious problems in terms of student graduation and learning outcomes.
Added to this, upstream, are the emerging demands that are putting pressure on universities and which make it necessary to rethink the offer as a whole.
At the beginning of a new cycle of “Voices that add up”, a panel of experts addressed the problem of higher education supply in the face of the skills gap.
The participants in the conversation were Victoria Galán (Director of Research and Analysis at the UNESCO Insternational Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, IESALC), Hugo Juri (former rector of the National University of Córdoba), María Eugenia Scocco (dean of Human and Social Sciences at Siglo 21 University), and Esteban Torre (director of Cippec’s Education program).
Among other points, the specialists agreed on the opportunity to generate an “educational pact” that establishes objectives, strategies, commitment of all parties and financing to help reduce gaps.
They also pointed out that aligning universities with the demands arising from labor dynamics implies innovating inwardly, to bring about the changes that will generate new value.” (….)
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