Innovating in education: agile methodologies and digital enviroments course

Campus IESALC announces for September its new asynchronous course “Agility and digital environments for educational innovation” (in Spanish), created jointly with Thinking With You, which will provide new resources and teaching skills to meet the needs of an increasingly digital student body that demands specific training according to their interests.
The course, focused on agility in the implementation of continuous improvement, offers practical, dynamic and applicable training to help teachers develop key skills to become agents of change, able to adapt quickly to the changing needs of the educational environment.
Teachers are challenged to innovate in training modalities (hybrid, face-to-face and remote), which involve new resources to be able to transmit content in an environment that brings together motivation, autonomy, collaboration, responsibility and efficiency.
This training is intended for teachers, tutors, facilitators, authorities, management teams of higher education institutions and professionals who wish to improve their skills in the processes of educational agility and innovation.
No previous knowledge is required but it is advisable to have basic knowledge in the use of digital tools and internet connection.