How does gender-based violence occur in higher education institutions?

UNESCO IESALC, the Section for Education for Inclusion and Gender Equality, the Higher Education Section, and the Health and Education Section at UNESCO Headquarters, together with the Gender, Health, and Justice Research Unit at the University of Cape Town (GHJRU – UCT), are developing a project to understand how gender-based violence takes place in higher education institutions globally. For this first global assessment, the study will cover four countries: Cuba, Mexico, Zambia and Zimbabwe. A pilot study phase was launched in January 2023 to assess the prevalecence of violence against in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) higher education institutions (HEI). The initiative has now progressed to a broader phase, which includes a multi-country study on GBV.
In May and June, four online induction workshops were held with representatives from Cuba, Mexico, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. During the workshops, the research was outlined and discussed, partnerships with the HEIs were established, and collaboration for the implementation of the research was determined. Participants explored key aspects of the project, such as its background, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. The next steps of the project were also outlined, with a focus on the data collection process.
As these sessions conclude, the project now advances to its next phases, including a comprehensive data collection effort. Readers can expect the results of this global survey to be published at the beginning of 2025.