Participate in the consultation on experiences of discrimination in Latin American universities

The purpose of this consultation (in Spanish) is to gather information to learn more in detail about the experiences of ethnic-racial discrimination that especially affect students, teachers, researchers and other workers of African descent and indigenous peoples in Latin American universities, generate documentation on the subject, analyze it and promote concrete proposals to advance in the eradication of racism in higher education.
These results and proposals will be communicated through an institutional report of our UNESCO Chair in Higher Education and Indigenous and Afrodescendant Peoples in Latin America, containing a systematization of the main data and recommendations collected, which will be sent to the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO IESALC), the Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (UDUALC), the Central American Higher University Council (CSUCA), the Association of Universities of the Montevideo Group (AUGM) and the associations of universities and/or rectors of all Latin American countries (ABRUC, ABRUEM and ANDIFES in Brazil, ANUIES in Mexico, ASCUN in Colombia, CIN and CRUP in Argentina, and their equivalents in the remaining countries).
It will also be disseminated in networks and research articles will be published to deepen the analysis of this problem. All these publications will be available on the Internet, with open access.
The consultation is based on the idea that ethnic-racial discrimination is only one of the ways in which racism, as an ideology and regime of power, is expressed in social life, the most visible (Mato, 2023). However, it focuses specifically on it, recognizing that it is especially painful and because it affects the life experiences, training and professional practice of students, teachers and other workers of African descent and indigenous peoples in higher education.
The purpose of conducting research that contributes to progress in the eradication of racism guides the work of the UNESCO Chair in Higher Education and Indigenous and Afrodescendant Peoples in Latin America, giving continuity to the work carried out between 2007 and 2011 from the UNESCO IESALC Cultural Diversity and Interculturality in Higher Education Project, continued, since then, from the Higher Education and Indigenous and Afrodescendant Peoples in Latin America Program of the CIEA of the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, of which our UNESCO Chair is part.
This consultation is structured in 4 sections:
- Basic personal data that will be used only to classify the answers, this section is common for students (including those who were students until 6 years ago or less), teachers and other university workers (estimated time to answer: 3 minutes).
- To be answered by students (including those who have been students up to 6 years ago or less) (estimated time to answer: 20 minutes).
- It is exclusively for teachers, researchers and other university workers (estimated time to answer: 15 minutes).
- It is common for students (including those who were students until 6 years ago or less), teachers, researchers and other university workers (estimated time to answer: 3 minutes).
Please share this questionnaire with others who might be interested.